
събота, 4 януари 2014 г.


 Здравейте хартиени вълшебници! За много години на вас и вашите близки до сърцата ви хора! Сега се пригответе да ви покажа отново една по-дълга серия от публикации. Картичката тук е предназначена за един предстоящ рожденик, който е голям фен на моите творчески напъни. Излишно е да споменавам каква е професията му, нали? Печатът е на Мо Манинг и едва ли има по-подходящ за целта. Семпла декорация, типична за мъжки картички цветова комбинация и първата замислена картичка е пред вас. Очаквайте ме съвсем скоро. :)

Challenge #215 - Anything Goes w/Mo Image
The Crafting Cafe Anything Goes 
 one stitch at a time challenge #194 - anything goes
 totally gorjuss challenge #217 - ribbon
 digitally sweet challenge dsc #69 - anything goes
DSC #69 'Anything Goes'
 Sister Act Card Challenge - Anything Goes
 Bearly-Mine #117 - anything goes

21 коментара:

  1. Fantastic card for a guy! Thanks for joining us for our "Anything Goes" challenge at Yumi & Fumi Handmade! Sheena B (Team Fumi).

  2. Fabulous layout! You really used those chevron patterns in fun ways. Great coloring too. Thanks so much for joining us this week at Mo's!

  3. What a wonderful card. Perfect for any guy! Thank you for playing with us at Y&FH. Hugs! xx

  4. I'm having such a chuvkl at your beautifully coloured image Arcadia and I am so taken with your choice of bold chevron backing papers used to suchn great effect. I am sure that this birthday card will be so appreciated by the man for whom you created it. Good luck in our exttended challenge. Ingrid xx (OSAAT Team)

  5. Love the digi you have used on this creation Arcadia, gorgeous colours and just perfect for a mans card, not easy to do :) :) Good luck in our OSAAT 'Anything Goes' challenge. Hugs Jane OSAAT DT

  6. Fab male card
    Thanks for joining in at One Stitch At A Time this week
    Hugs Katie x

  7. Like the computer theme masculine card. My hubby & I both have computer science degrees. I'm retired & he still works in the computer telecommunications industry. Our daughter is computer savvy like most young folks they rely on their computers. Thank you for entering OSAAT Ch194 Anything Goes.
    "Sunshine HoneyBee"

  8. What a great image and card! Thanks for joining us at Yumi & Fumi Handmade!!

  9. Gorgeous card! I love the DP you have used for it and the little accents are just perfect.

    Thanks for joining us at OSAAT this week. Hope to see you again next week. DT Crafting Vicky

  10. great stamp...lovely card glad you have joined YUMI FUMI HANDMADE,hope to see you next challenge
    Hugs Blankina
    Team fumi

  11. Great male card. Love that image. Thanks for joining us at TG this week.

    Kat x
